Monday, March 27, 2006

It's About Time...

So, it's March of 2006. I haven't updated in like 10 years. Partly because I don't have the time. Partly because I figure nobody reads these blogs anyway. Yet here I am, updating, mostly for my own sake. Four weeks left of junior year. Let's just say that these are crazy days. Senior friends freaking out because they have no idea what to do. Feeling so sad that I'm losing some of my closest friends to that blasted graduation event. Yet, realizing the sweetness in the coming summer.

I'm interning at my church for the first 6 weeks of the summer. I will be the worship leader. After that, I'm touring for 7 weeks with SLAM (sharing love and mercy). 8 college students. Inner city camps and parks. Skits, music, dance and getting to hang out with some pretty amazing kids who just need the love of Jesus in their lives. Wow, the Lord is good!

But for now, I need to live in the moment. It's been a rough semester, not academically but emotionally. Events have taken my heart down some troubled paths. Yet, the Lord is still good! He's teaching me that I need to protect my heart each and everyday...such a hard job for a girl!

In other news, my new CD comes out on Wednesday. If you would've asked me in high school if I'd ever record a CD, I would've said "probably not." If you would've asked me last year if I'd ever record another CD, I would've said "oh, no way." But God continues to amaze me with opportunities. So, here we are. I pray that this album is a minstry and not just an entertainment piece. I wrote a song over spring break that didn't make it on the album in time. But I pray that the words speak to all those in limbo with the future...

Welcome indecision. Pull up, take a seat
Enter alternative, unknown we finally meet
Cease this masquerade. Play on vulnerability
These maybe's keep on trying my heart's agility
Will it be yes or will it be no?
Is this my path or the wrong way to go?
Will it be now or later on?
Is it my path that I am on?
I've made a couple wrong turns
Planting this fear inside
Of chosing the wrong course, telling me it's time to hide
Will it be yes...(etc.)
Maybe tomorrow I'll find certainty
Only when I'm down on my knees
Our great Father, guide me, lead on
My compass fails me and clarity is gone
So leave me indecision, no more will I flee
Cuz prayers are being lifted and someone's looking out for me.


Anonymous said...

Inspiring lyrics. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Not really anonymous, just didn't feel like having another registration tied to me. Hi, I'm Bill! (sound guy from Jones Chapel) Thank you again for sharing your gift with our church. I've got the new cd ripped and loaded into the ipod all ready to go. Do you Look me up sometime.

Anonymous said...

keeping a grip on emotions and the heart can be difficult for guys too. hang in there.