Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Strange Days

I might move to Korea. Did I think I would move to Korea last year? Last month? Last week? No to all accounts. When I first heard of the job I thought "wow, that sounds cool, maybe after seminary." But the Lord has done some crazy things in my heart and now I feel strangely called to this country and ministry. I had my first phone interview on Sunday night and two more are going to follow in the next weeks. If all goes well, I go through a few psychological tests and then fly to Charleston, SC right after Christmas for a face to face interview. What's the job? I'd be a resident assistant for middle school and high school students living at this Christian boarding school. I'd have my own apartment and all my needs would be provided. I would get a salary plus annuity to help with my school loans (it's so weird to actually imagine having money, you don't get that in college). Not all the students at this school are Christians so it would be an amazing ministry. I would be able to work in student development and share the love of Christ with those who don't know Him while upholding and encouraging those who do. It's a two year commitment and surprisingly that doesn't scare me. There are many other RAs my age there so I wouldn't be completely lonely.

I feel like God is tugging me in this new direction and it's exciting but scary. What will happen to these relationships I've spent 4 years building up? How many weddings will I miss out on? How many reunions will I not be able to attend? What if one of the my friends starts dating a guy and I'm not there to disapprove? (hey, it could happen, we're mostly single now but some day...) The fact of the matter is I could spend all day saying "what about" or "what if". That's no way to live. If God is calling me to South Korea then I must go. No if's and's or but's. I'm resting in the fact that last month this wasn't even on the scope. I prayed that God would give me the desire to go and change my heart to be like His. I believe that this is the result. I'm actually desiring this adventure and ministry. The bottom line is, it's not about me. It's about our Father and the minsitry that He has called me to. My whole life may be a series of crazy adventures. They're just starting sooner than I anticipated.

I'm ok with that...