Monday, December 04, 2006

Entertaining Angels

"are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"...Hebrews 1:14.

Isn't it crazy to think that I could have met an angel? What does it mean that angels are "ministering spirits"? What does that mean for us? I don't have the answers, I'm just putting the question out there. I wish I had the time to do a full exegesis on the passage...maybe after finals.

Speaking of finals, they are wreched wreched tests that profs. use to suck the life and joy out of students campus-wide in their last few days together before extended breaks...that's all I have to say about that.

I discovered today just how selfish I am. I wrote previously about moving to South Korea. Well, to be frank, I don't want to go anymore. The thought of leaving my friends and family to move half-way around the world only to make new friends and minister to students I may or may not relate to just doesn't appeal to me as much as it did last month. This sudden change in mental outlook caused me to stop and think for a bit. I haven't really prayed about this as much as I should. Things have just all fallen into place so perfectly. My other passions have faded away (no seminary just yet). My interviews went well. My friends and family are supportive. Everyone seems so excited! Then I realized that while all this was falling into place, I wasn't on my knees nearly enough. Sure, I was praying about it. Every single day. But this is a HUGE decision. Why wasn't I fasting and spending hours in silence with our Maker? Why was I not seeking His face with every once of my being? Even if this decision wasn't looming, why hasn't that been my way of life? He doesn't want me to seek His will, He wants me to seek HIM!

So, tonight I stole away to the Community Center Office. The tiny room that houses three RD desks (UC, Townhouses, and Male Apartments) and all the RA boxes is strangely comforting. I just sat and chatted with the Lord. Granted, the RAs on duty came in at 11 for their master keys and I may have looked pretty crazy just sitting the dark of a very very cold room. But reading the Scriptures, journaling prayers to our Lord and just talking to Him has revealed some amazing things. Why don't I want to go to Korea anymore? Because I'm selfish. Plain and simple. I listed off a bunch of reasons why I didn't want to go and they all started with "I don't" or "I won't" me me. What is ministry?? The very root of ministry needs to be selflessness. I lost my drive for Korea because I took my eyes off of the ministry side of things. What a great chance the Lord has placed before me!! I have the opportunity to hang out and minister to high school girls from various countries and cultures. I have the chance to spread the love of Christ to those who may not know Him. It's not about me. It's all about what God can accomplish through a willing vessel. So, really, I don't have this chance at all...God does. All I have to do is accept it. He's leading me down a path I never expected and asking me to lay aside my own needs and wants. He's asking me to give up my comfort to follow Him. He's asking me to stop being so dang selfish!! He's asking me to go... george, I think I will.

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